Layanan Kamar

Dilengkapi dengan system pemesanan melalui gadget (WA) Waktu layanan mulai 06.00 hingga 22.30 (last Order)

Express Check In

Layanan cepat pada saat check in, Maximal 5 menit dan siap mengantar menuju Cottage.

Bebas Parkir

Tersedia Carpot tepat di depan masing masing Cottages.


Info detail dan Pemesanan dapat menghubungi:
TELP:   0343-6744817
WA:   081997823900


Hotline Reservation :    (DEWI) +6289-614-927-036
Whatsapp :   (DEWI) +6289-614-927-036
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  • Which is a national hotel chain which stands proud on the unique culture of indonesian hospitality Designed very carefully to bring forward an elegant and exclusive ambience, Grand Mulia Sakinah is specifically targed to accomodate the upper market level of segementation.
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